Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Within my life many changes have been occurring, Though I’m not exactly positive for the better. For the past few months I’ve been deciding repeatedly that I, As a person, would work to improve myself and my attitude toward my life, my family, my friends, and most importantly, myself.

What has been coming in a slow, painful realization to me is that, none of these things are changing, but it seems as though everything else is.

And with this realization came another realization; The realization that nothing is going to change. Not my attitude toward my life, my family, my friends, or myself. As of right now it’s going to stay the same. I am completely at this point dependent on where the course of time is deciding to take me, whether that’s a good choice or a bad choice I know not, But it’s what I’ve chosen and it’s going to stay that way. I’ve decided to go with the flow. I am accepting the fact that life is as it is, and that for the time being, the current time is not based on the future or the past. It is based on now. Because, you see, Right now the time is as it always is, right now. It’s half past what was and a quarter ‘til that will be. Time is like an illusion, the past and the future do not exist, so the time is the same now as it always will be. This moment. I have decided to leave my life in the hands of an illusion.

In no way am I implying that I’m not happy with the help my peers and the others that have offered have offered, But I am saying your advice and my progress were all in vain. I am where I am and I have decided to stay here until an unseen force decides to move me. I will remain where I am for the time being, Like stone.

This is where I remain